Film makers in the Indian film industry, barring very few, definitely does not beleive in cultivating relationships with the producer. Most Indian film makers have never worked under one producer for long. If you look West, a Nolan or a Tarantino, or other film makers have mostly worked with the same producer right from their first film. Producers and film makers here think they both are from a different race. They hate each others guts, most film makers are immediately willing to bitch about the producer and same goes for th

The standard process for most film makers is simple, fix rounds of meetings with a producer or a production house, and make all the biggest promises under the sun about your film. The script is the last discussed factor here, while every producer knows, without content all these don't mean anything. The producer does not bother about script developement, for him writing is just someone who is hired to type words, because they can't find a typist to type 120 pages with words. Most producers do not want to work a professional way, starting from a story thread, and working with the writer and director in fleshing out of the concept. They want ready made blockbusters like Sholay from a hungry writer, who is thinking about paying his next cell phone bill, and all the writer cares is somehow finish the screenplay. Why give his best, when his function or contribution is fully ignored.The writer too has needs and personal gains in the film, his goal is different with the film that is going to be made, somehow it should be on floors. There exists no working relationships, or mutual respect among the producers with writers, they are the most detached with the writer. The concept of script development is non existent in Bollywood for most producers. Most directors pay from their pockets for script developement with the writer, I have the utmost respect for such directors who value this process and understand the importance of feeding your writer, so his imagination is in your film and not on the cell phone bill. All the producer is interested is when the director will lock the script. He will rarely read the script. He has also locked his finances, his interest rates are soaring. Get the script done, somehow.
Then comes the crucial question during the meetings with the producers, "Why should the producer invest in this film?". Some standard answer given by directors , because it has so and so star or it has known faces and music by blah. That answer is enough, cause the game does not end here. The producer all he cares about is selling his film, like a vegetable vendor he wants to make sure he gets out his stock before it begins to rot. Eventually who is bearing the loses, the distributors. Their revenue stream is popcorn, samosas and movie tickets sold. This cycle has been abused so bad, new film makers are not given a fair chance in the process. So content repetition is bo

For most film makers they think their job ends with making the final cut. The rest of the release, promotional activity etc is the producers headache. They'll give interviews because they are supposed to do it. Most new film makers don't care about a release, as long as they have a film to their credit, but it's lying in the cans. They think the producer is not doing anything for the film, there is definitely no concept of working together in the same boat and making it to land. Once the film is made the producer is in a different boat. Post the film release, the director moves on with other producers, for his own personal gains. He has made his film, don't care what happened to his film, it's now the next producer to axe. As for the producer, he is looking for the next film maker who can give him a killer deal to axe the next set of distributors. Eventually in the whole axes that are grinded the audience are the biggest losers, where is the great film that was so talked about and promised? It's just random stars, songs, half hearted plot and a convulted ending. They go back cribbing another weekend money is wasted on samosas, popcorns, parking, movie tickets for a pointless film.
As for the regional producer, he said his film had miserably bombed, leaving no money for his own acting fees, that he had to do it free in his own film. Some random